speech problem

Don’t Label My Child! Are Labels Helpful or Harmful?

Don’t Label My Child! Are Labels Helpful or Harmful?

Parents are naturally concerned about their child being “labeled.” Some are even so afraid of having a label put on their child that they resist getting a professional evaluation of the child’s difficulties. Other parents are actually relieved when they get a label to put on their puzzling concerns. So what is in a label and when is it useful? How Not to Use Labels First of all, ...[Read More]

Shouldn’t My Child Be Talking By Now?

Shouldn’t My Child Be Talking By Now?

If you are concerned about your child not yet talking, first ask yourself what your expectations are based on. Are you comparing with an older sibling, or perhaps your neighbor’s child across the street? Children do develop different skills at different rates. There is always the chance that your expectations are based on a child who was particularly precocious in talking. So when should your chil ...[Read More]

Is My Child’s Speech Regressing?

Is My Child’s Speech Regressing?

Parents often express concern that their child’s speech is becoming less clear. They wonder, “Is my child regressing?” There are factors that can cause speech regression, but what you are observing might not be regression at all. It could just be a normal stage in your child’s speech development. Let’s sort out the different possibilities. Normal Causes of Apparent Speech R ...[Read More]