Ages 1-4

At this age any interactive activity is a game! Here are some “games” to stimulate your child’s speech development. 

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Adorable little boy with a mischievous smile and curly blond hair playing with a colourful plastic toy microphone

Tools: Stimulating Early Vocabulary Development

Tools: Stimulating Early Vocabulary Development

In this tools post I give you strategies to use with your child for the purpose of stimulating early vocabulary development. Most of your child’s early vocabulary will consist of naming words. These words help your child make sense of the physical environment and get ready to make basic reques ...[Read More]

Tools: Help Your Young Child Develop Number Sense

Tools: Help Your Young Child Develop Number Sense

Number sense involves more than just counting. It requires understanding quantities and comparison concepts like more/less, larger/smaller. Your child only gradually acquires these skills through the preschool years. (See my article, Is Math and Number Sense a Language Skill?) But you can start very ...[Read More]

Tools: Using Form Puzzles to Stimulate Word Imitation

Tools: Using Form Puzzles to Stimulate Word Imitation

Imitation of sounds and words is an essential step in learning to talk. If your child is late in talking or has speech that is unintelligible, you will find this activity helpful. Most two and three year olds love form puzzles. These are the wooden puzzles in which each removable piece represents a ...[Read More]